Before taking a student loan in the USA, you must weigh the relative merits and demerits of both PAYE and REPAYE. This will help you to understand which one is better: PAYE or REPAYE.
There are certain plus and minus factors associated with both PAYE and REPAYE. You have to compare the two on merits. After this, you should make a decision whether you should go for PAYE or REPAYE.
Before taking a student loan in the USA, you must weigh the relative merits and demerits of both PAYE and REPAYE. This will help you to understand which one is better: PAYE or REPAYE.
There are certain plus and minus factors associated with both PAYE and REPAYE. You have to compare the two on merits. After this, you should make a decision whether you should go for PAYE or REPAYE.